How do I share the gospel with my elderly father?

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Chinese Stranger Book and Audiobook

Question: I want to share the gospel with my elderly father. He loves to read his Chinese newspapers but I’m not confident he will read through The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus if I give him a copy. What do you suggest?

Answer: We would recommend spending the time to lead him through a study. If you set aside about 11 hours, you can try this: each of you hold a copy of the Chinese edition of The Stranger and you read it out loud to him. Do a section or several sections each day for two weeks. It’s best to complete the book in the shortest possible time so as not to break the flow of the narrative.

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Read to me, please

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Reading Together

(Editor’s note: In life, we are often faced with difficult circumstances: an illness or some tragedy. Even during these times, if we look beyond ourselves, we can find God bringing someone into our lives with whom we can share the gospel message. This is Phoebe’s* story.)

A day after we shared Brad Powell’s video testimony, we received an email from Phoebe. She wrote, “I have wanted to write to you for some time and thank you for the book, ‘By this Name.'”

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TERM Seminar in Turkey: Teaching as they had been taught

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All that the Prophets have Spoken in Turkish
An important component of GoodSeed’s ministry is training. Our staff make trips to places around the globe to conduct our TERM Seminars. A year ago, we held a seminar in Turkey, where among the participants were a pastor and his wife.

The pastor’s wife was very studious. She wrote copious notes in the margins of her copy of the Turkish edition of All that the Prophets have Spoken. In fact, she probably took more notes than anyone else during the course!

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27 groups and counting!

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The Stranger Videobook

(Editor’s note: Many retired people have time on their hands. How can they use their time to be effective ambassadors for Christ? Here is Kevin and Seana’s story.)

We met an elderly couple who had recently ordered two cases of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus. Kevin and Seana* were retired, but they were putting their time to good use by getting involved in a ministry that helped new international students settle into their city. Kevin and Seana helped the students find accommodation and get furniture. They showed the students around town, and even helped them find supermarkets that stocked familiar foods.

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We’ve been praying for nearly a year

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"The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus" DVD

Here is a story from our archives. It’s from June* who works in a pregnancy resource centre.

We are a small Pregnancy Resource Centre and we’ve spent nearly a year praying for the right tool to use as a consistent, easy-to-understand, starting point in sharing the Bible with our clients. We have gospel bracelets that serve their purpose in the counselling rooms, but wanted something that would enable us to spend time with our clients and give us opportunity to build relationships.

To make a long (but interesting!) story short, the Lord led us to The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus about one and a half years ago. We’ve incorporated it into our “Points Program” by giving each client a book and workbook (and Bible if they don’t have one). We run group Bible study classes at our centre where we watch The Stranger DVD and discuss questions and answers in the workbook for two hours each week. We do this over a nine-week period. Typically, we run two Bible study sessions a day!

So again I say thank you. “The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus” has been an answer to our prayers!

As June discovered, we designed our tools so that any believer can use them to share the gospel. We are happy that June and her team were able to make good use of the book, workbook and the videobook.

(*Name changed as per GoodSeed policy.)


More passionate about sharing the gospel

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Tools designed to share the gospelIn March, two of our staff members conducted a seminar about sharing the gospel. One of the couples that attended wrote a note:

“Both my wife and I left feeling revived and more passionate about sharing the gospel.

“I shared my experience from the seminar and we are going to start a Bible study group with a few of our leaders and core members using “The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus.” We will offer a few classes over the summer and in the fall to our members. The members of the first two studies will lead the fall classes.

“We have been looking for ways to better disciple our people and encourage them and equip them to share the gospel…. We will be using this study as a platform and starting place.”

Whenever people get excited about sharing the gospel using our tools, we thank God that our ministry is able to help believers fulfill the biblical mandate of being ambassadors for Christ. Pray with us that this couple and their church will be able to share the gospel with many.


Easy enough for a burned-out mind like mine to understand.

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Photo credit: Quinn Dombrowski on flickr

(Editor’s note: Upfront it seems difficult to guide someone through a study of the Bible. But what if you had to deal with troubled teens? How do you hold their attention? How do you explain the Bible’s truth in a way that they can understand? Learn how George used the Worldview Rethink tools to do just that.)

Recently, George* finished a Worldview Rethink course with teenage boys from a resident recovery program. These boys were aged between 13-18 and were struggling with life-controlling issues like behavioral problems, substance abuse and more. The Worldview Rethink curriculum provided an easy and clear way to teach the Bible’s message to these troubled youths.

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Easy craft lamb

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Easy Lamb CraftOne teacher regularly uses The Lamb to share the gospel with children on mission trips. She shared this easy lamb craft made out of everyday materials. The kids love it and it reminds them of Jesus, the lamb, who takes away their sins.


  1. Empty plastic pill bottle
  2. Cotton balls glued all over the bottle
  3. Black straws cut to length and stuck on as legs
  4. Black paper for the lamb’s face
  5. Stick-on eyes from the craft store

Easy and fun!



Would you accept life-changing truth in five minutes?

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Five minutes

At GoodSeed, we encourage believers to share the gospel in two ways: give and guide.

In giving, you pass a GoodSeed tool, such as a book or audiobook, to someone else. That recipient then has an opportunity to explore for himself the message of the Bible. The book (or audiobook) is an invitation to investigate. It gives this person enough information to decide for himself if he believes the gospel. The authority is not you, the giver, but it’s the Bible as explained by the book’s author. The reader can spend as many hours as needed in exploring the message of the book.

In guiding, we are personally explaining the gospel to someone else. Asking a stranger to trust us in a span of a few minutes is very difficult, as Etienne* below, has discovered. It’s not easy to convince a stranger to believe our message if he doesn’t know who we are. Etienne has learned that time must be spent establishing trust before a listener will believe the message he is sharing.

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The gospel smashed into my heart

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Photo credit: Willem van Bergen on flickr

Out of the blue, we received a phone call last week. It was from a gentleman named Manuel* who lives in the US. He said he was prompted by God to share his story with us.

Manuel related that he became a believer 30 years ago but his life took a dramatic turn when he attended one of our TERM Seminars in Idaho. He was brought through The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus and he said he really “bumped into the meaning of God.” He fell in love with the book and sought to use it to explain the gospel to others.

His first two students were his mum and dad. They were impacted by the message. His dad said the gospel “smashed into my heart” and made him realize how much of a sinner he was.

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