It all points to Jesus

image-1A chronological and systematic approach to presenting the Bible’s message is not only invaluable for leading unbelievers to understand the gospel. It is also a powerful means of establishing believers in their faith and preparing them to share the gospel with others. We recently heard of a pastor who recognizes this. As a result he has used By This Name to disciple his congregation.

Pastor Craig* started by using By This Name as the springboard for a 14-week sermon series. He wrote to us: “I had the congregation read a chapter of By this Name each week as well as scriptures related to the topic of the chapter. I preached on scriptures related to the chapters. Each home group discussed what they were learning from the book and the scriptures they were reading.”

This sermon series was an Old Testament survey—with the specific goal of revealing Jesus Christ in clarity and simplicity. Pastor Craig titled the series “It All Points to Jesus” to emphasize that the Old Testament is not just a conglomeration of random stories, but the critical basis to understanding the identity and work of Jesus.

“The newer believers loved the series. Some said it was too basic,” Craig wrote. “But I emphasized from the beginning that this is a way to see how the entire Bible flows together as one story, and we need to understand the background of the gospel to share it clearly with those who don’t know Christ.”

As an outflow of the series and study, Pastor Craig encouraged his congregants to find unbelievers or new Christians and read together By This Name. The church offered copies of the book in the back lobby of their church and they sold more than 300 copies. One man bought ten copies to give to all of his family members.

“When there was a new believer in our church, I would have someone read By this Name with them,” Pastor Craig said. “I also read By this Name with several individuals to encourage their faith. I truly love the book!”

It is exciting to hear of a church being equipped to share the good news of the gospel. If you are interested in how GoodSeed tools and resources can help your church in its evangelism and discipleship initiatives, check out: How GoodSeed tools can help you train your church in the gospel.

(*Names changed as per GoodSeed policy.)

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