You gotta do it again. You’re not saved

Brad Powell struggled for many years to understand what salvation meant. He grew up in a religious family whose faith was based on fear. They were focused on doing the ‘right’ things and doing their best to avoid the ‘wrong’ things. Every day, he feared he wasn’t good enough to be accepted by God.

Brad’s family firmly believed that baptism was necessary for salvation. As Brad’s father baptized him, the pastor stopped them and said, “You gotta do it again. You didn’t go all the way under the water.” Hearing this crushed Brad’s heart. He was never certain of his salvation.

When he started a family, he continued to struggle with what it meant to be saved. He constantly bickered with his wife about the Bible and worried that his children were not saved.

Then one day, Brad joined a group of men on a road trip. They attended a seminar then known as TERM, where the men were taught how to share the gospel using GoodSeed materials. In the seminar, Brad heard a clearly presented gospel for the first time. And what an impact it made on him!

Watch the video above for this remarkable story of the power of the gospel to transform a life.

Want to learn more about sharing the gospel in today’s world of increasing biblical illiteracy? Consider TERM for Small Groups, an easy-to-use curriculum that works equally well as a group Bible study, or as a personal study.

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