Connecting with believers and other ministries

Showing our toolsSeveral GoodSeed staff members recently attended a conference entitled, “Jesus to the Nations”. It was good to connect with other believers and ministries and hear encouraging stories about how they are using our tools to teach others.

One man told us of a lady in his church who had attended a GoodSeed seminar in New Brunswick a few years ago. She was an unbeliever at the time, but had put her faith in Christ at the end of the seminar. We were happy to hear that she was still following the Lord and had even invited other women into her home to teach them using The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus VideoBook. It’s what we love to hear, since one of our goals is to encourage new believers to immediately feel comfortable enough to guide others through the Gospel as soon as they have learned it for themselves.

Next, we will be at MissionFest Toronto from April 11-13, 2013. We are at booth D1. If you are in the area, do drop by and chat with our staff. We are eager to explain our tools and how to guide friends, family, neighbours and co-workers through the Good News. Our resources will also be available so if you need more of them to give away or guide a study, come by our booth. See you there!

Staff Writer
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