Introducing the GoodSeed Tool Selector

GoodSeed Tool Selector (Feb 2013)

At GoodSeed, we have a number of tools specially designed for giving away to people. When you are faced with an opportunity to give a tool, some questions to consider are:

  • What language does your friend speak?
  • How old is she?
  • What is his worldview?
  • What is her preferred learning style?

Based on your answers, you might end up giving away an AudioBook, a VideoBook or a translated edition of one of our books. To make the selection process easier, we’ve produced a Tool Selector poster that guides you through the questions and leads you to the most appropriate tool to give away.

The Tool Selector poster is available as a double-sided letter-sized poster and a single-sided Tabloid-sized poster. Both are on the same PDF file. Download and print a copy for yourself and you’ll have a handy guide to help you select the right tool for the right person.

Many people we know, as well as many of us in GoodSeed, keep our “Be Ready Box” stocked and ready for use. As we do so, we find God gives us opportunities to share the gospel. Each time the box gets empty or we give away the last tool of that kind, we refill it again and again so we are always ready.

We have heard testimonies of ordinary believers setting aside funds each month to fill up their Be Ready Boxes. Some determine in their hearts to give away one book a week and set aside the few dollars, to equip themselves for giving away the gospel. For them, they have taken their roles as Ambassadors seriously and have really made it a very deliberate personal ministry.

Download: GoodSeed Tool Selector (Aug 2013)
Staff Writer
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