Worldview Rethink curriculum: a handy gospel tool for parents

Worldview Rethink Curriculum

It is important for moms and dads to ground their families in God’s Word. But many parents (especially fathers) are so busy providing, that it’s difficult to find time to share the truths of God’s Word with their children. Many parents also haven’t had the training to feel comfortable teaching the Bible. Where should they start? How do they handle questions about death, Christ’s substitutionary sacrifice, and faith? How can they lead their children to understand that they need a Saviour? Sometimes parents are not sure they have the answers, let alone the time it takes to teach their children.

Worldview Rethink is a tool that gives clarity, fills in the missing pieces, and gives parents what they need to share the Gospel with their family.

It can be as simple as opening the Leader’s Guide and following its instructions as you read the text together. Hundreds of Scripture verses give the whole family a chance to read if they are able. Reading aloud with enthusiasm conveys the importance of what is being read. Having the family use highlighters to identify important points, keeps everyone involved and helps them retain foundational truths that are built upon as the study progresses.

Worldview Rethink takes minimal preparation, without compromising the understanding of God’s message. By setting aside a couple of hours per week, moms and dads can build a solid biblical foundation for their children. The curriculum has a proven track record of helping many families gain an understanding of the basic message of the Bible. It can’t get much simpler than this, and the benefits can hold eternal value.

The Worldview Rethink curriculum is made up of several components:

Course Book
“The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus” – Interactive Edition serves as the primary text for your family member.

Interactive DVD
110 video clips illustrate the use of visual aids to reinforce the lesson material. The DVD can be used as you read through the book or viewed ahead of time to help you learn how to use the visuals aids. As well, the DVD adds a visual component to the book, with material filmed on location in Israel, Egypt and elsewhere.

Leader’s Guide
The guide provides valuable help on how and when to use the visual aids, the interactive DVD, the team-teaching component, how to maximize use of the companion WorkBook as well as supplementary background information and tips for the leader.

The companion Workbook helps to check for understanding. The questions are a helpful review; they’re not a test. After each section, stop and have the family answer the questions or let each family member review the questions between sessions. Discuss the answers and correct any misunderstandings before moving on.

Visual Aids
There are three levels of three-dimensional visual aids available to help with retention and comprehension. These add a dimension to teaching which make it more impactful, especially to the visual learner. They are also excellent tools for review as each child can be given a visual aid and asked to explain it.

  • Basic ToolBox: full-colour cardboard punch-outs that assemble into 3D objects
  • Intermediate ToolBox: a series of 3D objects that enhance teaching
  • Advanced ToolBox: a 1:90 scale Tabernacle model kit and also a 1:10 scale Tabernacle furniture set

Parents who use Worldview Rethink with their own children can then impact their world. Getting together with other family, friends, or neighbours to go through the course is a simple and effective way to share the Gospel. Even children can organize a study with their friends, guiding them just as they were taught. Worldview Rethink is a great way for one family to be ready to share the Gospel with another family!

Learn more about the Worldview Rethink curriculum.

Staff Writer
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