An adoption gone wrong


When Neville* and Dominique learned of a little boy with a foster family in Central America who was up for adoption, it seemed their prayers were finally being answered. Excited to meet their soon-to-be son, they boarded a flight from their home in Quebec. Little did they know that God had other plans.

When they arrived, they went through the process but for complex reasons, the adoption fell through and there was nothing left to do but go home. They made arrangements to fly home early, all the time wondering why God had not allowed their adoption to proceed.

Dominique tells the rest of her story:

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Ready for a trip? Then zap the QR code!

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QR Code CardsWe love to hear from believers who are serious about sharing the gospel message. We get encouraged when they explain how they are sharing the good news with the people in their communities. The other day, Laura* called our office to ask for help.

I talk to lots of young people all the time. I ask them if they know much about the Bible. Many don’t. I ask if they are interested in learning about the Bible. Some of them are curious! But I don’t always have a book on hand that I can give to them. I wonder if you can help me make one of those code squares, the kind they zap with their smartphones and it opens a website.

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This book was good… and necessary

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Hebrew Tabernacle

The exhibitor’s hall at the children’s education conference was quiet as the attendees were at their sessions. Carl,* a sixty-year-old security guard, was making his round of the booths. One particular exhibit caught his eye and he went for a closer look. He realized it was a model of the Hebrew Tabernacle. Daniel,* the GoodSeed staff manning the booth, greeted Carl and asked, “Are you familiar with the Tabernacle?”

Carl nodded hesitantly and replied, “I do have some idea.” Daniel picked up a copy of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus and opened it to Chapter 9 to show Carl where the Tabernacle was explained in the book. Daniel took a few minutes to explain the significance of the Tabernacle—it was a visual aid that illustrated the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

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The well-equipped carpet cleaner


Bryan* owns a small carpet cleaning business. “It’s honest work that provides an income for my family,” he commented the other day when he stopped by the GoodSeed USA office to pick up some more Stranger books. His clients trust him to come into their homes and make their carpets fresh and clean once again. Bryan is well-equipped with a specialized truck, including a high-temperature vacuum machine. With plenty of elbow grease, he’s ready for anything.

Not only is Bryan prepared to clean any floor, he is also a well-equipped ambassador of Christ, always ready to share the gospel (1 Peter 3:15). He went on to say:

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More eBooks on our stores

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By This Name eBook

A few months ago, we began the process of updating our eBooks. We wanted to ensure that each version worked well across a range of ebook readers and reading apps.

We are making progress on this project. We now have nine ten fifteen eBooks on our stores (Australia, Canada, UK and USA), with more on the way.

With each purchase of an eBook, you will be able to download three different file types: Mobi, ePub and PDF.

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Nudged across our paths

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Airport TerminalA colleague once observed, “It seems God takes great delight in nudging the unsaved across the paths of believers who are ready—those who are equipped to clearly communicate the Bible’s message.”

I thought about this recently while travelling to Winnipeg from Calgary. I was standing in line waiting to board my plane when an elderly woman stepped in behind me. I wouldn’t have noticed her except she suddenly leaned past me and motioned in the direction of two men ahead of us. Pictures of human skulls decorated their jackets, ear rings, hats, boots, and even their hand luggage. Granny’s rheumy eyes asked the question first before she whispered hoarsely, “What’s with the skulls?”

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What’s wrong with me? Why don’t I share the gospel?

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Hispanic Teenager Reading The BibleRemember when…

Remember when you first believed in Christ? Like a new parent showing off baby pictures, you would tell anyone who would listen about the gospelyou couldn’t help it! Being an ambassador of Christ was exciting and natural.

But after a while, we sometimes find that our joy, as believers, begins to wane, as well as our zeal for sharing the good news with others. Why does that happen? Is there a way back to where we began?

The world over, people are coming to a simple but profound new understanding and appreciation of the Bible’s message. A clearly understood gospel is a powerful gospelit saves! But it also saves us from a life of joyless toil and ineffectiveness.

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Church gives the gospel at Easter Parade

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Boy watching a parade,The folks at Bethel Baptist Church of Parkersburg, West Virginia, are busy getting ready for the fifth annual Mid-Ohio Valley Easter Parade. Their float—a rolling visual aid complete with a cross, empty tomb, music speakers and Bible verse placards—is almost complete. Volunteers from the congregation plan to walk alongside to greet and pass out candy to the crowds of onlookers.

Last year Bethel Baptist ordered 300 of the booklets What are Christmas and Easter All About?  The problem, though, was that they ran out of them part way through the parade route. So, last week one of the pastors, Kevin Brosius, called the GoodSeed USA office to place an order for 1000 booklets. They’re determined not to be short this year!

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It’s an Xbox 360 controller, Grandpa!

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Xbox 360 Controller

Editor’s note: When one of our staff spent time playing video games with his grandson, he gleaned an insight into the challenges that face us when we try to explain the gospel message to someone who is biblically illiterate.

My wife and I were visiting our grandchildren for the first time since they acquired a state-of-the-art video game console—a gift from a generous neighbour. The youngest, 7-year old Thomas*, was beside himself with excitement. He could hardly wait to show me his prowess.

I was no sooner in the house when Thomas plopped a strange-looking object into my hand. The clear plastic, kidney-shaped device immediately reminded me of the cockpit of a commercial jetliner. Buttons, toggles, switches, levers, dials and diodes of every size and colour poked out at odd angles and from all sides. I asked Thomas, “What is it?”

The look on his face betrayed utter surprise that someone as old and wise as Grandpa could be so uneducated. “It’s an Xbox 360 controller, Grandpa!”

Well of course! I guess I should have known that. But the truth was, I didn’t know. “You’ll have to show me, Thomas,” I ventured, for I knew full well this was the response he was hoping for.

Thomas led the way downstairs where he plugged the controller into another mysterious piece of equipment, turned on the TV and began pressing and poking buttons with the dexterity of my great aunt’s knitting needles.

A snazzy red race car appeared on the monitor, sound effects and all. In response to Thomas’s nimble fingers, the powerful car navigated the speedway with amazing precision and realism. Thomas’s body twisted and jerked in concert with each bend and turn of the racetrack. It was obvious my grandson was on familiar ground, in his element; I was definitely out of mine.

Later, when it was my turn to operate the controller, disbelief and frustration were evident in my grandson’s face as he watched me struggle to extract my race car from high in the grandstand.

Reflecting on the experience later, it occurred to me there are multitudes of people who are as unfamiliar with the Bible as I was with my grandson’s video game. The pages and events of Scripture are a complete mystery to them. It may seem incredulous to us that a person could be totally ignorant of the Bible but, in reality, more and more people in our society are biblically illiterate. Put a Bible in their hands, and they will feel much like I did trying to operate my grandson’s Xbox 360 controller.

The Scriptures record how a Middle-Eastern man—a very intelligent Ethiopian official—struggled to make sense of the Bible. When he was asked if he understood what he was reading, he replied, “How can I, unless someone explains it to me?” (Acts 8:31 NIV)

In our eagerness to share the good news of God’s Word, are we doing enough to help our friends and loved ones understand the gospel message? If we hand them any Christian book, or a tract with only brief explanations, wouldn’t it be akin to handing them an XBox 360 controller for the first time without any explanation?

Instead, what if we handed our friend a tool specifically designed for people with no knowledge of the Bible, a tool that will gently, respectfully and objectively explain the Bible’s core message. Wouldn’t that be a better help?

To understand how we’ve carefully written our tools in order to simply and clearly explain the Bible’s message, please visit our Tools Architecture Page.

(*Name changed as per GoodSeed policy.)

Photo credit: “Xbox 360 Controller” by Scott Ackerman is licensed under CC BY 2.0

How can I make the best use of Easter?

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The Lamb... an Easter giftEaster is a natural time of the year to explain the message of the gospel with others. Many of our neighbours, friends and co-workers are curious about the significance of this occasion. In addition, churches often use this opportunity to host special events in order to share the Bible’s message with interested people in their communities.

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