What does it look like to be an ambassador for Christ? Does it mean speaking in front of thousands of people in a crowded auditorium? Or does it mean blazing a trail through a jungle to make contact with a primitive tribe? While both of those scenarios are definitely ways in which God uses his children to reach the world with his gospel, often our calling is much more ordinary. Often it is right in our daily workplaces that we have the greatest opportunity to share the life and truth of Jesus.
Take Jack*. You might think his job inconsequential—he worked in building maintenance at an independent living facility. But somehow Jack attracted the attention of his manager. He took note he was a Christian and appreciated his consistent testimony in the workplace. As a result, he asked Jack if he would offer a Bible study to the residents who may like to attend.
Jack was more than happy to do so and began offering studies. At first there were only a few attendees, but that changed after Jack invited a local pastor to start teaching a chronological Bible study based on The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus. The room quickly filled up with attendees eager to learn the main theme of the Bible.
“The lights really came on for them and they started buying their own books and attending services at our church too,” Jack says. “One long-term resident exclaimed several times that the Bible study was the best thing that ever happened at his facility. Many were the thanks and encouragements to keep the study going.”
Another attendee wrote Jack and the pastor a note: “We need to you keep coming and teach us the Bible. We didn’t know the Bible until you started teaching us!”
Nearly the entire group came to believe and joyfully accept that the Old Testament’s promised Deliverer was Jesus Christ—their Creator, Owner and Saviour who gave himself as their perfect sacrifice and substitute.
“I’ve since moved away,” Jack says, “But the pastor keeps the study going and tells me that the group now attending his church from the Bible study continues to grow!”
Jack likes to reference Ephesians 6:5-8 when he talks about these opportunities he has had in his workplaces:
“Bondservants, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ, not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man, knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a bondservant or is free” (ESV).
“We’ve encountered other ministry opportunities in other places of employment, albeit not so profound, without overt attempts,” Jack shares. “How? By giving an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay for starters. And then by applying a sincere, godly work ethic with a smile and a good attitude, and praying for coworkers and taking the Lord at his Word by working as unto him for his rewards.”
Jack goes on to say, “If it’s just a job, you’re not really living and you’re certainly not serving! Read Ephesians 6:5-8 and believe, apply and live it. It is no secret what God can do!”
Never underestimate the power of obedience. The testimony of our lives can open many doors to share the gospel with our coworkers and other people around us. Take new courage as you enter another day of work. Serve Jesus in the normal and ordinary tasks of your day and be ready to share his good news when the opportunities come.
(* All names changed as per GoodSeed policy.)
- Video: Built to preserve life - July 14, 2017
- Video: A covering for sin - June 12, 2017
- Video: God’s justice and love - May 19, 2017
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