This book was good… and necessary

Hebrew Tabernacle

The exhibitor’s hall at the children’s education conference was quiet as the attendees were at their sessions. Carl,* a sixty-year-old security guard, was making his round of the booths. One particular exhibit caught his eye and he went for a closer look. He realized it was a model of the Hebrew Tabernacle. Daniel,* the GoodSeed staff manning the booth, greeted Carl and asked, “Are you familiar with the Tabernacle?”

Carl nodded hesitantly and replied, “I do have some idea.” Daniel picked up a copy of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus and opened it to Chapter 9 to show Carl where the Tabernacle was explained in the book. Daniel took a few minutes to explain the significance of the Tabernacle—it was a visual aid that illustrated the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Carl listened attentively. Then as Daniel closed the book, he handed it to him. “Carl, I’d like you to have this copy.” Carl was taken aback but he accepted the book gratefully.

The next day, Carl hurried over to the booth. He looked for Daniel but he wasn’t there. Instead, he spoke with Justine.* “I need to buy a copy of the book that Daniel gave me!” he exclaimed. “I’m not much of a reader AT ALL, but I read more than two chapters last night. It was good… and necessary.”

Carl went on to explain that he was going to send The Stranger to a missionary friend in Thailand who taught English lessons. Carl was sure the book would be a valuable tool in explaining the gospel message. Carl also revealed that, while he was a believer, he had forgotten the basics of the Bible. He had spent years in attempting to gain a deeper understanding about life but somehow, he didn’t seem to make any progress. Reading The Stranger reminded him of the central message of the Bible—the gospel, and what it taught about life and death, and life after death.

“If you forget the basics, you end up so far away from where you started. That’s what happened to me. Everything happens for a reason and I’m glad that I got that book. It’s time to get back to the basics.”

When we hear a story like Carl’s, it is a reminder of how a clear biblical worldview puts life in proper perspective. We’re thankful that Carl has found The Stranger to be such a help. We pray that his missionary friend will find the book equally useful.

Related resources: By This Name – Thai Edition

(*Names changed as per GoodSeed policy.)

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