for guiding a course

Teaching Resources

The teaching resources are here for your convenience. Many of them are found on the Worldview Rethink Curriculum Box Resource CD but the ones here will be the latest versions.

My Personal Worldview Questions

In Chapter 15 of the course book, you will be given the opportunity to determine the participants’ beliefs. With larger groups, you will require a written response. There are two formats for this. The short format contains 3 questions. The long format contains 10 questions.

3 Questions

10 Questions



1. Open both the short and long format files and review them.


a. The short format is more appropriate when time is limited and when you have a good feel for where your participants are in their understanding and beliefs. Typically, this is used in less formal, smaller group settings.


b. The long format is more appropriate in a class setting. This is also used to get a better feel of where your participant is when you are not quite sure if the participant fully understands or believes the message.


3. After reviewing, choose a format.


4. Print copies and use at the appropriate time.


5. If you are undecided on which format to use, you may want to print enough copies of both, giving you the flexibility to make the final decision on which one to use during the session itself.

Time Log


The time log is a schedule that gives guidance on the ideal length of teaching time for each section of the course book. It allows you to log your start and completion times for each section so you will be able to determine how long it takes you to cover each lesson. Also, comparing your actual teaching time with the suggested time will help you keep on track as you plan succeeding sessions.



1. Print out the time log on the correct paper size.


2. Study the ideal length of time for each section and determine how many sections you aim to cover in each session.


3. If possible, as you teach each section, get a helper to time and record on the time log how long each of your sections takes. This will help you fine-tune your own teaching pace for the rest of the course and for future courses as well.

Worldview Survey Questions

The following questionnaire is used to help determine a person's worldview. You can ascertain how a person views life, death and life after death based on his or her answers to the nine questions.


These additional visual aids are the same ones found on the Worldview Rethink Curriculum Box Resource CD. They are placed here for your convenience as well.

Certificates of Debt


In Chapters 5, 6, 9, 14 and 15, you will require one or more of these certificates of debt. There are four posters in all.



1. Print out the posters in the required size and use them as you teach through the Tabernacle and Temple sections of the course book.


2. You may decide to laminate them or put them in a clear folder for durability and ease of use.

Corrupted and Uncorrupted Paragraphs


You would need this in Chapter 1.



1. On the sheet are 4 uncorrupted paragraphs followed by 4 corrupted ones.


2. Print as many sheets as you require so that each participant would either have a corrupted or uncorrupted paragraph.


3. In preparation for the lesson, cut along dotted lines.


4. At the appointed time within the lesson, distribute one slip to each student.

Manjui Repentance Illustration


You would need these in Chapters 9 and 12.

Tabernacle and Temple


In Chapters 9 and 14, you may choose to use these pictures, either as a slide presentation or poster. They can be found on the Worldview Rethink Curriculum Box Resource CD. However, due to copyright reasons, we cannot offer them as downloads here.

The Tabernacle

The Basin

The Table with the bread


The Lampstand

The Ark of the Covenant and the Atonement Cover

The Bronze Altar

The Altar of Incense

The Temple

Book of the Dead


The Book of the Dead is used in By This Name to contrast the biblical worldview with the Egyptian worldview predominant in Moses' day. You can download the Book of Dead and print them out for use in a study only. You may wish to laminate it for durability.

Lamb Skin Template


The Intermediate ToolBox contains a synthetic piece of lamb skin. If you wish to make the piece look more authentic, print out this template and cut out the skin shape. Overlay it on the synthetic skin. Trace the skin shape with a marker and cut out the skin shape on the synthetic piece. Now you will have a more realistic-looking lamb skin for your study!

Promotional Resources


You’re ready to run a Worldview Rethink course and want to advertise and promote it in your church or in the neighbourhood. How do you get the word out? Here, we provide publicity materials for you to use. These are the same ones found on the Worldview Rethink Curriculum Box Resource CD but we will add new themes as they are developed. Check back to see the new resources.


Promotional Resources Explained


Step 1:

Choose a Series. To publicize the Worldview Rethink Course, you may choose from three different series:

The Examine Series

The Purpose Series, or

The Trust Series.


Step 2:

Decide which promotional resource you would like to use.


Print Media. To simplify printing, there are two types of Print Media:


1. Commercial Print.

Banners, Door Hangers, A3 and Tabloid Posters will need to be printed on a commercial printer. [For advanced printing, a Full Bleed Option is available under Commercial Print for printing with no borders.]


2. Home Print.

The Flyer/Bulletin Inserts; the A4, Letter, and Legal size Posters; and the Door Hanger for Avery Form 16150 can be printed on your desktop printer. If you wish, these files can also be taken to a commercial printer.


Digital Media. Includes PowerPoint slides (PC/Mac), Keynote slides (Mac only), and Email attachments.




Home Print

Commercial Print

Horizontal Banner

Display in meeting areas.

24.5 x 12.5 inches



Use on notice boards or walls.









Flyer or Bulletin Insert (Will need to be cut in half.)

Distribute as flyers or insert into church bulletins.

Letter (2 to a sheet)

A4* (2 to a sheet)

3.5 x 8.5 inches


3.66 x 8.5 inches


4.25 x 11 inches


Avery Form 16150


Door Hanger

Hang on doors.

Powerpoint & Keynote Slides

For media presentations or flash on-screen during church announcements.

4:3 format



16:9 format



Email (Editable PDF File)

Use as an email attachment.

Not applicable



*International standard



Step 3:

Fill in the editable PDF files and Slides. Insert date, venue, time and contact details.


A. For PDF Files: Print Media and Emails.

Type it in: Open desired file, click on the editable box, type in the details. Text in the box can be deleted out and you can insert applicable text as needed. To save your work, you will need to save your file as a new PDF.

(This requires Adobe Reader 10 or above. A free version is available for download at

Write it in: If you are unable to type in the PDF, you can write the details into the allotted space after printing.


B. For Slides: PowerPoint and Keynote.

Open the desired file, type in your info and save as a new file.


Step 4:

Print your files, present your slides and send your emails!

Promotional Resources  |  THE EXAMINE SERIES

Some people do not like to think about religion because they feel it is an unscientific and subjective area. Others look for meaning in life, wanting to make sense of all that is going on around them.


The Examine Series is appropriate for those looking for meaning in life. It approaches them on an academic and philosophical level and encourages them to engage in an objective examination of life from the perspective of the Bible.





The text in the poster, flyer, door hanger and email read:


Everyone needs to stop for a few hours and think about life. There are big questions that need good answers.

Are there solutions to everyday problems?

Can there be meaning or purpose in life?

Is it possible to know why we are here and where we are going?

Why is there so much suffering and death?

Is there life after death?


The unexamined life is not worth living. —Socrates


There is an ancient book that answers all of these questions, and more. You need to know for yourself what it says. Join Worldview Rethink and take a journey through the world’s bestseller—the Holy Bible.


Poster — horizontal, 1 to a page

Commercial printer

(Full Bleed Option)












Home Printer






Flyer or Bulletin Insert

Flyer or Bulletin Insert—vertical, 2 to a page

Home Printer





Door Hanger

Door Hanger—vertical


Email Flyer—vertical, 1 to a page


Promotional Resources  |  THE PURPOSE SERIES

Many people, at various points in life, question what life is all about. Some find life meaningless and they feel they are merely existing.


For both believers and unbelievers, the Purpose Series of media resources will challenge them to

search if there is meaning in life by taking a journey through the Holy Bible and seeing what it has to say.





The text in the poster, flyer, door hanger and email read:


Searching for the meaning in life?

There is an ancient book that points the way to genuine purpose and meaning in life.

Join Worldview Rethink and take a journey through the world’s bestseller—the Holy Bible.


Poster — horizontal, 1 to a page

Commercial printer

(Full Bleed Option)












Home Printer






Flyer or Bulletin Insert

Flyer or Bulletin Insert—vertical, 2 to a page

Home Printer





Door Hanger

Door Hanger—vertical


Email Flyer—vertical, 1 to a page


Promotional Resources  |  THE TRUST SERIES

Some like to say they “have faith” and encourage others to “just have faith” especially when things go wrong. They don’t know specifically what they trust in, except a belief that the universe conspires for their good and all things will work out.


Then there are some churchgoers, especially second or third generation believers, who have not thought much about what they believe and why they believe what they do.


For both of these groups, the Trust Series will challenge them to examine exactly what they believe in and how it compares to what the Bible teaches.




The text in the poster, flyer, door hanger and email read:


What are you trusting in?

It's a matter of faith (or is it?)

Do you know what you believe? Join Worldview Rethink and take a hard look at the world's bestseller...the Holy Bible.


Home Printer






Poster — horizontal, 1 to a page






Commercial printer

(Full Bleed Option)







Flyer or Bulletin Insert

Flyer or Bulletin Insert—vertical, 2 to a page

Home Printer





Door Hanger

Door Hanger—vertical


Email Flyer—vertical, 1 to a page




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